Top interesat al conversiilor unor magazine puternice din afara. Suntem copii fata de ei :), iar prezenta ProFlowers pe locul 2 ma atinge direct, plus ca shopping-cart-ul lor e de-a dreptul altfel decat incercam toti sa facem
- Schwan’s, Food, 41.7%
- ProFlowers, Flowers and gifts, 26.5%
-, Health and nutrition, 24.0%
- Woman Within, Catalog /clothing, 22.4%
- Blair, Catalog /clothing, 20.5%
- Lands’ End, Catalog /clothing, 19.5%
- Doctors Foster and Smith, Pet supplies, 18.6%
- Office Depot, Office, 18.4%
- Roaman’s, Catalog /clothing, 18.4%
- QVC, Jewelry +, 18.3%
Intre timp la noi se confirma ca avem inca mare nevoie de offline, miscarile eMag spun totul in acest sens.
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