Livrarile de flori de Sfantul Valentin (unde apropo, avem discounturi pana vineri noapte :D) sunt motiv suficient pentru ca media sa-si indrepte atentia spre florariile online si sa ceara analize si predictii.
Si pentru ca v-am ramas dator cu evolutia pe 2010 (si continuand exercitiul de transparenta), zic ca e momentul
Mai intai matematica rece si copy-paste-ul pentru media, cu rotunjirile de rigoare, sa nu doara pe nimeni capul :
Cate ceva dincolo de cifre:
Happy Valentine’s shopping
PS. Sunt acceptate pareri sau intrebari
…pun pariu ca nu va asteptati sa vina in legatura cu achizitia Huffington Post
Dar Jack Love vine si pune punctul pe “j” in legatura cu viitorul comertului clasic vs. comertul online:
the web could well do to retailing what it is doing to print publishing—become the dominant force in the market. Of course store retailing isn’t going to be replaced by e-retailing, but online retailing, pursued with the same gusto that Huffington has pursued online news and commentary, will account for a much, much bigger share of retailing than most store chain executive are currently planning for. My advice to those chains is this—do whatever you have to do to avoid Business Week’s fate.
Sursa, cititi tot.
Am fost intrebat de sute de ori in doi ani de zile depsre finantare si despre cum si ce si cat si cum.
Alexis are un post de execeptie pe aceasta tema, cititi cu atentie, avem cu totii de invatat cate ceva:
This means that so far, although I wanted to do at least 2 investments per year locally, I only managed to do one small real angel investment in Romania: where I simply liked the entrepreneur: Mircea and followed the hunch of Alexandre Almajeanu a great angel and friend who was the lead investor. I follow from a distance but I am pleased to see the progress of the company in what is still a small market that is ripe to grow substantially over the next few years
Ah, da si Alexis a devenit investitor si la TJobs
PS: Again, thanks for all the confidence Alexis…