… daca nu ma insel mai tarziu decat se anuntase initial (mai neoficial asa…). Pe mine ma mira putin apropierea de designul gsp.ro, dar din cate vad au surse de inspiratie comune. Oricum, e din ce in ce mai interesanta lupta dintre GSP si ProSport….si e de remarcat ca ambele relansari au dus site-urile spre mai bine, spre deosebire de EVZ.ro care dupa mine a facut un pas inapoi cu noua varianta. De urmarit si evolutia traficului pentru cele doua.
De la un blogger la moda doar in anumite medii, dar foarte respectat de cine trebuie, si anume Vivi. Da, mai gresesc si eu in anumite cazuri…
Mi-am dat seama zilele astea un lucru pe care l-am inteles si mai demult dar il uitasem: este foarte greu sa convingi oamenii sa faca ceea ce vrei tu, cum vrei tu. 🙂 Trebuie rabdare, tact, strategie si mai ales trebuie sa intelegi care este atitudinea potrivita si cuvintele potrivite de la caz la caz.
Destept, tare destept
Dupa ce Vlad Stan a facut publica o oferta de preluare a partii sale din Vodanet (da, a devenit publica, mai in soapta se stia de ea de ceva timp), iar Orlando are un comentariu destul de acid, cum rar are. Evident are si el motivele lui. Si tot de la Vlad mi-a placut un post pe tema parteneriatelor mai mult sau mai putin strategice, si nu e singurul post care face din blogul lui un must read pentru tinerii antreprenori din .ro. Read, learn and apply. Nu de alta, dar…. “overnight success usually takes 15 years” dupa cum va zic 😉
Bogdan Pencea mi-a adresat acum cateva zile o serie de intrebari legate de evolutia www.FloriLaBucuresti.ro inspirat probabil de ce nebunie a fost pe aici pe la noi (Vlad Stan a si vazut ultimele ramasite prin birou zilele trecute 😉 ).
Din raspunsurile mele a iesit articolul de azi din Business Magazin care prezinta cateva detalii despre activitatea noastra dar si o serie de cifre care sper sa vi se para interesante.
Si pentru ca am ramas dator in legatura cu 14 Februarie, si pentru ca tot se apropie 1 si 8 Martie, da, e adevarat, am vandut de peste 10 ori mai mult decat intr-o zi normala in restul anului. Comanda maxima a fost pentru ziua respectiva de 650 de lei, depasita deja pentru comenzile de 1 si 8 Martie, iar veniturile totale au depasit incasari de peste o luna de anul trecut (chiar si dupa ce am pus pe roate toata afacerea). As spune ca am avut primul examen serios pentru modelul nostru de business, si desi am avut mici probleme in organizare, (inerente atunci cand treci pentru prima data prin asa ceva), toti clientii au ramas multumiti. Poate cel mai important aspect de mentionat aici este ca procentul de clienti care revin pentru mai multe comenzi este din ce in ce mai mare, ceea ce arata in primul rand ca sunt multumiti de ceea ce le oferim, dar si ca din punctul de vedere al business-ului noi suntem pe drumul cel bun.
Si va mai spun ceva, fiindca vad ca myKinda a preluat informatiile si a comentat ideile intr-un mod interesant, eu nu pot decat sa va confirm ca AdWords merge, si merge foarte bine daca ai rabdare si faci multe incercari. Desi multi se plang ca e un sistem slab (iar de partea cealalta publisherii nu fac inca multi bani), eu cred ca e un tool exceptional pentru cresterea afacerilor mici si medii. CTR-ul si conversiile obtinute dintr-o campanie bine facuta depasesc mult campanii mult mai agresive si costisitoare prin bannere. Deci puneti mana cititi tutoriale, cautati informatii si veti putea obtine rate de conversie extrem de incurajatoare, chiar si pe .ro
Alex Schoenfeld este unul din invitatii de marca la Digital Marketing Forum 2008. Cu 20 de ani de experienta in design si branding, a jucat un rol esential in dezvoltarea cu succes a proiectelor de comunicare si creare a identitatii pentru o gama variata de clienti din industrii precum telecomunicatiile, auto, finante, FMCG sau divertisment. A lucrat pentru branduri puternice precum Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Nestle, Deutsche Telekom, Panasonic sau Warner Brothers.
Ca un mic preview la ce va urma maine, Alex a fost amabil sa-mi raspunda la o serie de intrebari. Aveti mai jos raspunsurile lui
1. Tell us a little more about yourself, beside the things already known about you. Give us a small insight about your connections with the digital marketing markets
As an artist I got hooked on the internet in 1994 when I had my first video installation connected to the “Well”, internet’s first online community. It was about the appearance of the internet and called “Infancy”.
Since 1996 I have been professionally developing online presencies of large corporations. Everything started when I founded fork unstable media with two friends. We launched the intl. Nivea (Beiersdorf) Online Sites and unwillingly published the “Diana Tunnel Racer” the first infamous viral game, that brought us a lot of attention and trouble from the royal british family.
After that Warner Music in 1998, the MunichRe and since I have designed and accompanied corporations like Nestlé’s corporate brand and its large consumer brands into the digital realm. German Telecom and its sales and transaction driven banner ads. Volkswagen integrated CRM and complete Online Architecture followed, Mercedes Benz first mobile TV Premiere and Ericsson’s branded entertainment sponsorship at the last Volvo Ocean Race.
Today I help define Landor’s Digital Vision and inspire our clients to think ahead of the curve.
2. What do you know about the Romanian market? How do you see the market evolving for the next year or so here, and what is the general image about the digital (especially online) market in Romania?
Honestly, I’m about to find out right now. I assume though, it’ll be close to your neighboring countries and other Eastern European emerging markest as well. Which means the people in the cities will make a quick jump in terms of broadband connectivity and smaller cities and the country will follow. I’m looking forward to learn better though. For sure is, that Romania won’t have to go through all the tiresome phases the western countries had to go through.
3. What are the main challenges that the digital marketing has to overcome in order to become more well-suited for the Romanian market? What are the elements that the agencies (and clients) need to ‘import’ from the more developed countries.
It’s all going to be about Virtual Haptics. And about performance driven design, result measuring and a tangible difference in real life caused by online activities. For Landor this is mainly accomplished by a brand led digital experience. Let it be communities of brand advocates, social connections, driving environmental care or sales.
4. What will you be talking about at the conference? Any sneak preview yet about the things that will be discussed?
Yes. I’ll try to remind the participants that they shouldn’t get carried away by mere technology. That happened to me and my peers in the past to many times. And then otherwise contradict exactly that by showing how fast things develope and that your visions can’t ever be too visionary. I’ll talk about virtual haptics, that companies turn into media corporations and that the digital brand experience will be the only experience a consumer will have with your brand in the future.
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